If you haven’t started using themes and styles yet in your FileMaker development, you should! This article consolidates information from Andrew Paulsen, Adam Ward, and Bob Shockey, presented in sessions at the 2014 FileMaker Developer’s Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

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When a user selects a value from a drop-down list, FileMaker’s expected behaviour is to move the cursor automatically to the next field (or object) in the tab order. If that field also has a drop-down list attached, this will have the effect of activating the list. Under normal circumstances, this is fine and even

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Jeff England is a FileMaker developer and owner of Neb’s Fun World, an indoor amusement park located in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Using the FileMaker httpspost function, combined with Twilio, he sends information-rich text messages directly from FileMaker, and will show you how, too.

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This post is about the progress tracker design pattern. A progress tracker is a user interface pattern that breaks down a multi-step process into parts in order to simplify it for the user. Buttons are easy to create in FileMaker, but what if you want a custom shape and don’t have Photoshop? Here are step-by-step

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There are some details that, if left unattended, can detract from a good user experience. Learn about some things you can do to make your solution look more polished and professional.

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